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Sunshine Compass

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no onedrive Photos sowing up
ID: 942      Product: PhotoMap      Version: N/A      Report Date: December 26, 2022
Status: New
Exported geolocation is zero bytes
ID: 941      Product: PhotoMap      Version: N/A      Report Date: December 10, 2022
Status: New
photomap sur Huawai 2019 erreur d 'écriture **no such file or directory**
ID: 939      Product: PhotoMap      Version: N/A      Report Date: November 16, 2022
Status: New
Update location of multiple files at once.
ID: 938      Product: PhotoMap      Version: N/A      Report Date: September 13, 2022
Status: New
Multi Select then update location
ID: 937      Product: PhotoMap      Version: N/A      Report Date: September 13, 2022
Status: New
GPS 2.2 Support
ID: 936      Product: PhotoMap      Version: N/A      Report Date: August 16, 2022
Status: New
ビデオ.3gp の再生とビデオ.mp4(v2)の再生希望
ID: 934      Product: PhotoMap      Version: N/A      Report Date: July 20, 2022
Status: New
Kann Standort nicht mehr speichern
ID: 931      Product: PhotoMap      Version: N/A      Report Date: July 11, 2022
Status: New
Ftp /smb issue
ID: 929      Product: PhotoMap      Version: N/A      Report Date: June 28, 2022
Status: New
Kein Speichern von GPS Daten
ID: 925      Product: PhotoMap      Version: N/A      Report Date: May 15, 2022
Status: New

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36 Responses

  1. unimiso says:

    Some image tools embed exif data in zTXt chunk of PNG metadata.
    And now, eXIf chunk is defined officially.
    So I am glad if PhotoMap support these chunks.

  2. Salvatore says:

    Non da la posizione delle foto

  3. Eric Johnson says:

    Cant access SD card photos

  4. Axel says:

    I have to login to OneDrive every single time I close and reopen it

  5. Axel says:

    OneDrive for business is now supporting auto camera upload. Any chance of supporting OneDrive for Business?

  6. Michael Schonath says:

    Habe trotz Bezahlung leider nicht die Pro Version erhalten. Wie kann ich diese bekommen, ohne diese noch einmal zu bezahlen.

  7. Lartigue says:

    Good morning,
    I have purchased Photomap as I appreciated its numerous features and the fact that the app is actively maintained, but I think I have found a bug or maybe a limitation, relative to videos: Photomap does not seem to be able to read geolocalization infos from mp4 files taken with the camera of the phone. The native Samsung photo app and Google photos can extract the GPS coordinates from the file (in mp4, they are stored in the ©xyz atom), but not Photomap.
    Could you, please, fix this ?
    Thank you in advance.

  8. Thierry says:

    Apres plusieurs manipulations et après avoir vérifié les méta-données des images, celles ci sont répertoriées sur le calendrier en fonction des dates d’enregistrement et non pas la date de création

  9. Jdbur says:

    Hello !
    When I geotag by hand using Photomap, the photo date is changed. So the feature is unusable…
    what can I do?
    Thank you!

  10. Rao Devulapally says:

    I like the program very much.
    If Photomap can access Google Photos and albums with Google Photos API, that would be a great feature, as many of us are using Google Photos for archiving and sharing purposes.

  11. BK says:

    There is a custom to name album covers in music directories albumart.jpg, or cover.jpg (case insensitive, with some commonly found variants). Some gallery programs are aware of this custom and don’t display jpgs with those names, and I recommend adding that behavior to Photomap. I have a lot of such files on my telephone and in some views I have to swim through a hundred album covers to find what I want.

    We can’t add a .nomedia file to the directory with Cover.jpg, by the way, because we do want the music to be scanned.

  12. วรรณ​ says:


  13. Dylan says:


  14. lartigue says:

    Serait-il possible d’utiliser le nom de fichier comme légende par défaut lorsque ce champ est vide ?

  15. Sally says:

    Every picture I take is immediately added to PhotoMap and it doesn’t delete when I delete the pic from my gallery. This means I gave lots of unwanted pics in PhotoMap, is there a setting so PhotoMap syncs with my Gallery & deleted pics are removed?

  16. Rainer Schöttgen says:

    hallo, ich habe bei einigen Photodateien das Dateidatum aktualisiert. Beim Aufruf des Programms sind alle Tagebucheinträge verschwunden. Warum – Kann man die Einträge retten? (Arbeit von 2 Tagen).
    lg Rainer

  17. keith says:

    Found that photo stop loading in Days view since May 6 2022 updates.

  18. Ray says:

    Can’t Import my Backup files (Android 10 save) to my new Android 12
    Java.lang.securityExcepition: eu.bischofs.photomap has no acess to content://media/53ea-99ae/file/18721?requireO…

    Need help

  19. Wouter says:

    PhotoMap Pro can no longer import GPX files on both my tablet (Tab S7) and mobile (Samsung S10e)! First the tablet started failing and now my mobile fails too. So the app is worthless to me. I was using it a lot and now I have to find alternatives as I see no response in my request for support.

    I have enjoyed your app for years and really hope you are willing to fix it.

    • Ludger says:

      Hi, are there any error messages? Could you please send me one of the gpx files so that I can reproduce the issue on my device?

  20. bernard says:

    Je reviens vers vous pour la deuxièmes fois , car , je n’ai pas reçu de message de votre part le 20 Aout 2022 date d envoie de mon premier Mail a
    J’ai acheté votre application il y a deux jours , via google play , PhotoMap PRO Gallery v10.08
    Cet application fonctionne très bien sur ma tablette avec Android v 8.2 , mais pas sur mon Smartphone
    Huawei psmart+2019 -pot-lx1t Android v12.0 , je n’arrive pas a mettre la géolocalisation , ainsi que de mettre une légende, Sur l’image . J’ai donc un message d’erreur , que voici ci-dessous –no such file or directory–
    Pourtant l’accès a la mémoire interne et externe sont autorisées…
    votre adresse Email , e fonctionne plus ?? ….
    Merci de me repondre

    • Ludger says:

      Cela pourrait avoir quelque chose à voir avec le format de l’image. Photo Map ne peut actuellement ajouter que des positions GPS aux images JPEG. Cela ne fonctionne pas avec le nouveau format HEIF.

      • Bernard says:

        Bonjour, je ne pense pas au format. Jpg de l image, mais à l autorisation d ecriture sur la carte Sd, je. E sais pas y mettre les données de lacalosation, erreur en écriture mais avec une ancienne. Version de photomap ça fonctionne..

        • bernard says:

          voila ce que j ai en voulant faire (Géo-tagging) avec une image *jpg le message , d’erreur apparait ,””” open failed: ENOENT (No such file or Direcory)””” impossible d’écrire les métadonnées géolocalisation dans mon image *.jpg ….avec l’ancienne version de photomap v9.6.3 , je nai pas de message d’erreur , et je sais enregistrer les metadonnées de géolocalisation

  21. Wouter says:

    Posibility to read data has now been completely blocked, probably due to android security policy updates. Importing gpx no longer possible, but also recovering backups no longer works. For a short time I had to work-around for importing gpx-files by storing them in a location PhotoMap would have public access (like Download folder). However that now also is blocked.

    The error msg is like Ray reported in May; no access to content. I have a screenshot, but cannot attach that here.

    Hope this can be fixed soon as PhotoMap is getting too crippled now.

  22. Wouter says:

    Great to see some updates again! Unfortunately they do not fix the errors when importing gpx-files. On Android 13 it does not even attempt to import anymore, at least no message, error or effect since 10.2.

    Would be so happy if this would start working again!

  23. Wouter says:

    Just tested v10.4.4 with fix for import of gpx. However it still fails with the same error on both Android 12 as 13.

    • Wouter says:

      Tested with v10.4.5 and have some success. When the file is in a public folder like Download, import is now successful, however if it is somewhere else it still fails.
      My gps files are not usually stored in Download, nor would I want that to be the solution. It’s more a temporary workaround.

  24. Marc says:

    Hallo, ich liebe es meine 100k Fotos vom NAS mit der Kalenderfunktion und dem Rückblick anzuschauen. Abends einmal gucken was man heute vor x Jahren gemacht hat. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Miniaturansichten im Vorwege generieren zu lassen, so dass alle bereits vorhanden sind und nicht erst beim Anzeigen des Ordners erzeugt werden? So würde man etwas sparen.