Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

These FAQ are intended to help users of the apps PhotoMap, MapCam, EagleEye, Sunshine Compass, Make My Day, Photo Compass, and Flirts.

1. The translation is incorrect. Can I change the language within the app?

The language cannot be changed within the apps but anyone can correct translation errors or add missing translations on this page. It’s quite easy. I appreciate any help! Translators that revise/translate many entries of a language can get a code that permanently unlocks the pro features and removes the ads of the corresponding apps. Please send an email to

2. Why do my photos have “Place name not yet determined” above them?

The reverse geocoding service of your Android device is used to determine place names of photos based on their gps coordinates. There are three possible reasons for missing place names:

  1. A place name cannot be determined if a photo doesn’t contain a gps position in its meta data. You can add a gps position to a photo as described here.
  2. The reverse geocoding service requires an internet connection and has an upper limit of 2500 queries per day. That’s why it may take a couple of days to determine all place names.
  3. In case the reverse geocoding service doesn’t work properly, a reboot of your device might restart it.

3. How can I backup and restore my data? How can I move it to a new phone?

You should regularly back up your data because Android devices may stop working at any time. What needs to be backed up?

  1. Back up your local media files if you are using PhotoMap, EagleEye or MapCam. You just need to copy your photo and video files to your new device or backup storage such as an sd card, cloud storage, or computer. If you are using MapCam, then please also copy your audio and xmp files.
  2. Back up your diary, geologging positions, and trips if you are using PhotoMap. You can do this in the main menu. You can save the files, for example, on a sd card or a cloud drive.

It’s always a good idea to restore the data on your new phone before removing it from the old one.

4. What is the difference between EagleEye and PhotoMap?

Please have a look here.

5. EagleEye/PhotoMap cannot access my sd card. Writing to the sd card doesn’t work. Why?

Please add your sd card in the settings of EagleEye/PhotoMap. By doing this write access is granted. Please also have a look at this page.

6. Why doesn’t EagleEye/PhotoMap find my photos on my network drive or on my cloud storage?

Please activate the scan notifications in the settings of EagleEye/PhotoMap and start a rescan, e.g. by tapping on the corresponding refresh icon in the left navigation drawer on the main page. Error messages should now be displayed as notifications in the status bar of your Android device. Please also have a look here and here.

7. Why do several of my photos have the wrong location?

My apps read the GPS positions stored in your photos. Unfortunately, camera apps do not always store accurate location data in photos. I recommend using MapCam to take photos with accurate GPS positions. You can change inaccurate locations or add new ones in EagleEye/PhotoMap/MapCam via drag&drop as described here.

8. Sunshine Compass is inaccurate. It’s x degress off. Why?

Sunshine Compass is limited by the integrated sensors of your Android device. Some devices may not have sensors with a satisfying accuracy. In addition, sensors may be disturbed by objects nearby. You usually get the most accurate results when you are outdoor. There might be a big difference in accuracy between a flat-lying and a vertical-standing device. That’s why “normal” compass apps may show better results. It may help to calibrate the phone’s sensors as described in this article.

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18 Responses

  1. Christian de Boor says:

    als ich MapCam noch nicht hatte, wurde ich durch das Fotoapparat-Symbol zum AppStore geleitet. Jetzt habe ich MapCam installiert und das Icon reagiert nicht mehr. Ich hatte vermutet, das Icon würde aus PhotoMap die App MapCam starten ?!

  2. Egon Wiegel says:

    Ich möchte alle Medien von WhatsApp NICHT angezegt bekommen. Die Medien liegen in
    /storage/emulated/0/Whatsapp/Media – Ordner bzw. In den entsprechenden Unterordnern. Diesen Ordner habe ich bei “ignorieren” hinzugefügt. Trotzdem werden sie angezeigt. Was läuft falsch?

    • Ludger says:

      Achten Sie bitte auf Groß- und Kleinschreibung beim Eintragen von Ordnernamen:
      Der Pfad sollte vermutlich Whatsapp mit einem großen A beinhalten (Whatsapp -> WhatsApp) und wie folgt lauten:

  3. Pavel says:

    Hallo! ich habe sonnenkompass gekauft um zu berechnen Photovoltaikanlage auf meinem Dach, leider das Bildschirm ist immer schwarz und Kompass steht immer auf Nord? mache ich was falsch?

  4. Yvonne says:

    Hallo Ich möchte meine Orndner als Listenansicht einstellen.Wird aber nicht in Liste angezeigt.Wie mach ich das? LG Yvonne.

    • Ludger says:

      Hallo, die Ordner können nicht als Liste angezeigt werden. Die Listenansicht bezieht sich immer auf Fotos.

  5. Armin says:

    Hallo, ich möchte in der Ordnerübersicht jeweils das aktuellste Bild angezeigt bekommen. Wie geht das, ist das möglich? Derzeit wird immer irgendein Foto dargestellt und erst in dem jeweiligen Verzeichnis kann ich nach dem aktuellstem Datum filtern. VG Armin

  6. KL Lim says:

    How to include photos in my Google photos? I link to the Google drive account that keep my Google photos but nothing seem to happen.

  7. Peter says:

    May I suggest on the sorting criteria? Now the date is sorted by photo last modified time. Could you add an option to sort by photo original time? The problem is I no longer can find my photos by taken time if I did some modifications on the photo meta data like GPS info, caption and tags. I appreciate it if you can make it sort by both modifications time and photo taken time.

  8. David says:

    Where can I find out the pro-only features of PhotoMap? It’s like to know what I’m paying for.

    • Ludger says:

      All Pro Features are marked with a Pro symbol. There may be more pro features in future versions.

  9. Michael says:

    Hi, habe per InApp Kauf in Photo Map die Version ohne Werbung und mit Pro Funktionen erworben. Upgrade hat insoweit auch problemlos funktioniert. Ich kenne es von anderen Apps, dass im Play Store anschließend die Pro Version als installiert und erworben angezeigt wird. Nicht so bei Photo Map. Gibt es da Unterschiede?

  10. Dieter Langer says:

    I would like to geotag video clips . Can this be done in a similar way as geotagging photos ?


    Leider schaffe ich es nicht auf meinen ftp server zu zu greifen. Mit allen anderen apps ( foldersync usw.) Geht das ohne probleme.